Adjust a chart’s markings and labels
There are several types of chart markings and axis labels you can add to your charts. You can modify their appearance to emphasize your data.
To edit a chart, make sure it’s unlocked.
Edit the chart title
Charts have a placeholder title (Title) that’s hidden by default. You can show the chart title and change it.
Select the chart.
In the Chart pane of the Format inspector, select the Title checkbox.
Double-click the placeholder title, then type your own.
To change the appearance of the title, such as its font, size, and color, double-click the title again, then use the tools in the Chart Title pane of the Format inspector to make changes.
If you don’t see a title, it’s hidden. To show the title, click anywhere in the chart. In the Chart pane of the Format inspector, select the Title checkbox in the Chart Options section.
Add and modify chart value labels
Bar, column, line, area, and pie charts have labels that show the values of specific data points. By default, these value labels are hidden for new charts, but you can make them visible and specify a format (for example, number, currency, or percentage) for them, change their font and color, and more.
Select the chart.
In the Series pane of the Format inspector, click the disclosure triangle next to Value Labels, then choose a number format from the pop-up menu.
If you want the value labels to match the format of the original data in the table, choose Same as Source Data.
Note: You can create a custom value label format for displaying numbers or date and time. When you create a custom label, Numbers automatically detects the type of your data series: Number or Date & Time. To learn how to create a custom format, see Create a custom cell format.
Use the other controls to make further adjustments to the labels:
Add a suffix or prefix. Anything you enter is appended or prepended to the label.
Choose an option from the Location pop-up menu to specify where the numbers appear in the chart. If your bubble chart has overlapping bubbles, Show Labels In Front is selected by default, which shows all labels in front of all bubbles. Deselect Show Labels In Front to show each label on top of its bubble, but potentially behind other bubbles.
To change the font, color, and style of the labels, click any value label on the chart.
All value labels for that series are selected.
In the Value Labels pane of the Format inspector, use the controls to make changes.
Only the labels for the selected data series are modified. To change labels for another series, click one of its labels, then make changes.
To select multiple series, select one, then Command-click another. To select all series, select one, then press Command-A.
If you change the font for the entire chart, it also changes the font for the value labels.
Add and modify pie chart wedge labels
Select the chart.
To make changes for only one wedge, click it.
In the Wedge pane of the Format inspector, click the disclosure triangle next to Labels, then do any of the following:
Show data point labels: Select the Data Point Names checkbox.
Show data values: Select the Values checkbox.
Change the number format: Choose a format from the Value Data Format pop-up menu.
If you want the value labels to match the format of the original data in the table, choose Same as Source Data.
Use the other controls to make further adjustments to the labels:
Add a suffix or prefix: Anything you enter is appended or prepended to the label.
Change the position of the labels: Adjust the Distance from Center slider to specify where the numbers appear.
Show error bars
Error bars are represented as small marks whose length indicates the amount of uncertainty associated with a given data series (the data’s variability). These bars give you a general impression of your data’s accuracy.
Select the chart.
In the Series pane of the Format inspector, click the disclosure triangle next to Error Bars, then choose a type of error bar from the pop-up menu.
Choose how error values are calculated from the second pop-up menu, and change the range if you want.
To change the appearance of the error bars, click an error bar.
All error bars for elements in the same series are selected.
In the Error Bar pane of the Format inspector, use the controls in the Bar Style and Shadow sections to make changes.
Repeat steps 4 and 5 to change the appearance of the error bars for other series.
Show trendlines
Trendlines show the overall direction (or trend) of your data. Trendlines are mostly used for making financial investment decisions.
Select the chart.
In the Series pane of the Format inspector, click the disclosure triangle next to Trendlines, then choose a type of trendline from the pop-up menu.
Do any of the following:
Show names for the trendlines: Select the Name checkbox, then type a name in the field. The name you type appears for all trendlines on the chart. To change a name, double-click it on the chart, then type a new one.
Show the equation or R-squared value: Select the Show Equation or Show R2 Value checkbox.
To change the appearance of a trendline, click the line so you see white dots at either end, then in the Trendline pane of the Format inspector, use the controls in the Stroke and Shadow sections to make changes.
Modify chart axis labels and grid lines
Most types of charts have axis markings, which you can modify in a number of ways. You can change which labels appear on an axis, the angle of the labels, the range and frequency of the markings, and more. You can also set whether to show chart grid lines, and specify their appearance.
Select the chart.
In the Axis pane of the Format inspector, do any of the following:
Modify markings on the value axis: Click Value (Y) at the top of the pane.
Modify markings on the category axis: Click Category (X) at the top of the pane.
Use the controls in the pane to make any adjustments you want.
To see all options, click the disclosure triangles to the left of the section headings.
If you selected an Axis Name checkbox, Numbers adds a placeholder axis name to the chart. To change it, triple-click the name on the chart, then type your own.
Add a chart legend
Select the chart, then in the Chart pane of the Format inspector, select the Legend checkbox in the Chart Options section.
Select only the legend (click anywhere in the chart, then click the legend), then do any of the following:
Use the tools in the Style pane to change the appearance of the legend text, add a background fill, add a border, and more.
Drag the handles around the legend to resize it.
Drag the legend to where you want it.