Create bulleted and numbered lists
You can easily create a formatted list with bullets, letters, or numbers.

Simple lists can use a bullet, letter, or number at the beginning of each line.
Ordered lists, such as outlines, can have levels of indented lists within them to show hierarchy. They also use bullets, letters, or numbers at the beginning of each line.
Tiered lists, such as those used in legal documents, are ordered lists that use different numbering styles for each level.
Create a list
Click Text
in the toolbar; a text box is added to the sheet.
With the text box selected, in the Text pane of the Format inspector, choose a list style from the Bullets & Lists pop-up menu.
You may need to click the Style button at the top of the pane to see the pop-up menu.
Click the text box, type the first item in your list, then press Return; continue adding list items in this way.
To change the indent level (hierarchy) of an item in the list, click and drag the bullet, number, or letter until you see a blue arrow:
Move the item to the right: Drag to the right. You can also place the insertion point anywhere in the item and press Tab.
Move the item to the left: Drag to the left. You can also place the insertion point anywhere in the item and press Shift-Tab.
Move the item up or down: Drag up or down.
Press Return twice to end the list.
Numbers automatically detects when you’re creating a list. To turn this off, go to Numbers > Preferences (from the Numbers menu at the top of your computer screen). In the General pane, deselect “Automatically detect lists.”
Reorder items in a list
You can drag items in a list to a different level in the hierarchy or to a different indentation level.
Select the item you want to move by clicking its bullet, number, or letter.
Drag the item up or down in the list, or drag it to the left or right until you see a blue arrow.
Change the bullet style
Select the lines with the bullets you want to change.
In the Text pane of the Format inspector, click the Style button.
Click the Bullets & Lists disclosure triangle, then choose a bullet style from the pop-up menu in the Bullets & Lists section.
Do one of the following:
For text bullets: Click the Bullet pop-up menu, then choose a bullet style (scroll to see all of them).
To use your own text or character for the bullet, double-click the Bullet pop-up menu, then type your own text or character. To use a special character, choose Edit > Special Characters (from the Edit menu at the top of your computer screen), then choose a character.
For image bullets: Click the Current Image button, then choose an image bullet style.
To use your own image, click Custom Image, then choose the image file on your computer.
Use other controls in the Bullets & Lists section to change the size of the bullets and adjust the amount of space between text and bullets.
Change the number style of an ordered list
You can use numbers, letters, Roman numerals, or a combination to designate levels of hierarchy in an ordered list.
Select the lines with the numbering you want to change.
In the Text pane of the Format inspector, click the Style button.
Click the disclosure triangle next to Bullets & Lists, then choose an option.
To start numbering from a different point, select “Start from,” then enter a number or letter.
Numbers includes built-in list styles (in the Bullets pop-up menu) that specify a bullet type, numbering sequence, indent level, and more. These styles are similar to paragraph styles—you can create a new style, assign a shortcut to it, rename it, and more. The tasks in Use paragraph styles apply to list styles as well.