Send a copy of a spreadsheet

You can send a copy of a spreadsheet via email, AirDrop, or Messages. Recipients can open and modify it however they want on their own computers and devices, but their changes don’t affect the original spreadsheet or any other copies of the spreadsheet.

If you want to restrict access to the copy, or prevent recipients from modifying it, you can protect it with a password or lock it.

Send a copy

  1. Click Share Share button in the toolbar (or Shared button if you already shared a link to the spreadsheet on iCloud), choose Send a Copy, then choose a method (Email, Messages, or AirDrop).

    If you haven’t yet saved the spreadsheet, a Save dialog appears.

  2. Choose a spreadsheet format, then specify settings for the format.

    Some file types offer choices for image quality, format options, or passwords.

  3. Click Next.

  4. Provide the information necessary for delivery (an email address, for example).

    If you aren’t signed in to a Messages or Mail account, you’re asked to sign in before continuing.

For AirDrop, the recipient must accept your AirDrop request before the spreadsheet is sent.